How Does Executive Leadership Benefit from Our Research?

Your Role

As a leader in your business, you have proven you can take effective action based on your hypotheses and the clear articulated needs of your constituencies. More important, you know how to inspire others to follow your lead, sometimes in uncertain circumstances. Leadership in no small part depends on knowing when you need more information.  

If you find yourself in the business development world, recommending technologies, products and companies for potential licensing and acquisition activities, you know how having more data and insights than the party on the opposing side can make way for more favorable agreement terms. 

How We Add Value

Actionable Research is first and foremost about advising our clients on what additional information our clients can acquire to improve their opportunities to make better products, market them more effectively, or find the best suitor for any M&A or licensing opportunity. 

The following represent examples of research commissioned by Actionable Research executive and business development stakeholders: 

  • Quantitative survey to evidence trademark confusion; 
  • Focus group series to determine value of bioadhesive for use in cosmetic surgery applications; 
  • Quantify the size and drivers of the dash cam marketplace; 
  • One on one interview series to determine the value of hemodynamic monitoring for interoperative fluid management; 
  • Quantitative survey to assess the value of alternative orthodontic tooth alignment technologies.

Tell us more about where you feel you have gaps in your knowledge concerning your markets, products and customers; we can propose sound, affordable research solutions that will enable you to increase market share and grow your business.

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