We need Microsoft in the Smartphone OS battle. One word: Malware.

Cybercriminals transitioning from email, surging on smartphone platforms in 2011 One of the big drawbacks that comes with owning over 90% of the personal computer marketplace is that you become everyone’s target. Not just Larry Ellison’s or Scott McNeely’s, but everyone. The openness of Windows led to it being exploited in a huge way, causing […]


Cybercriminals transitioning from email, surging on smartphone platforms in 2011

One of the big drawbacks that comes with owning over 90% of the personal computer marketplace is that you become everyone’s target. Not just Larry Ellison’s or Scott McNeely’s, but everyone.

The openness of Windows led to it being exploited in a huge way, causing millions of dollars to need be spent on software to eliminate the threat. For the most part, it worked and things are certainly better. But one additional benefit that has come through is experience. Microsoft has a ton of it. Google has not nearly enough.

This will produce big problems for Android in 2011. And thus, the other company who has a promising OS for smartphones with more experience than all the other OS companies combined, Microsoft, will benefit from this experience and the exploitation of Android. As networks scramble to lock down their networks and their versions of Andriod, Windows Phone 7 will come ready to defend itself.

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