Authors claim their recent review of literature regarding Facebook Usage Reveals Validation is Chief Reason for Use, But People are Generally Healthier than That.
I have to say, this particular argument for why people use Facebook is really tired, and based on the (IMHO) antiquated concept that overemphasizes the importance of “belonging” as a significant driver for meaning. It is the same anthropology that dismisses faith in God as stemming from the same place. But I digress.
This is also only a literature review (no primary research) and it seems to come from 2009 sources. Lots has happened in the Soc Media world since 2009. Its like talking about the stock market without mentioning mortgage backed securities and TARP.
Facebook usage is far too widespread and its user base way too diverse to draw these kinds of conclusions. A full sixth of the planet is on Facebook and 50% visits daily. That is unfathomable, and no one would have ever predicted it.
Most important, Facebook offers people a way to be MORE efficient with their relationships. These days, for those in a person’s tight circle, a wall post is etiquette for letting them know about important things, much easier than blast email or dialing for dollars. For people like me who only have about 450 friends and acquaintances, it helps me stay in touch with some folks lightly, and others know about everything they post. It is easier to manage more relationships with Facebook.
Finally, it is a permanent address. You can move as many times as you want and change all your contact info, and you are still reachable via Facebook. It is the Uber Persistent Yellow Pages. That in and of itself is more important than being validated by Like buttons.
That said, we do not need more social networks, other than certain special interest ones. Google+ is baffling to me. If you don’t trust Facebook, how do you EVER in God’s name trust Google with your info? They would sell their mom’s molars for cash.
Interesting, but I disagree. What do you think?