McAfee: Malware on Android on the Rise…We Knew it was Coming…

Several months ago I posted on the dangers of the diversified flavors of Android running on so many phones and how the experience that Microsoft has with malware will be a huge leg up for them as they see greater adoption of WP7 Mango. Alternatively, Google’s lack of focus on the OS (coupled with their […]

Windows Phone 7 Coming to Verizon May 26…Worth Looking At?

I have been very excited about the prospects of Windows Phone 7 since it was first talked about my Microsoft.  With the OS coming to Verizon very soon, I now have to decide to try or wait. In the Smartphone OS battle, no other company is better prepared than MSFT for the greater market forces […]

A Beautiful One-Page Layout of iPhone 5 Could-Be’s…

    This is one very cool and very nice looking view of what could or should or may or may not (take your pick) be part of the new, upcoming iPhone 5, complete with some nice looking images…be sure to scroll down…

FDA Clears First Diagnostic Radiology Application for Mobile Devices

So here it begins, and begin it will. SILVER SPRING, Md., Feb. 4, 2011 – A new mobile radiology application cleared today by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will allow physicians to view medical images on the iPhone and iPad manufactured by Apple Inc. The application is the first cleared by the FDA for […]

Virtual Reality Technology to Grow in Healthcare: Thank Shrek

Once representing a niche market of specialty applications, virtual reality (VR) has been integrated into a broad portfolio of healthcare activities, including clinical IT systems, operating rooms, schools of medicine and treatment programs for returning U.S. soldiers, according to Kalorama Information’s recent report Virtual Reality (VR) in Healthcare in the U.S. According to the report, […]

We need Microsoft in the Smartphone OS battle. One word: Malware.

Cybercriminals transitioning from email, surging on smartphone platforms in 2011 One of the big drawbacks that comes with owning over 90% of the personal computer marketplace is that you become everyone’s target. Not just Larry Ellison’s or Scott McNeely’s, but everyone. The openness of Windows led to it being exploited in a huge way, causing […]

Off to CES…Stay Tuned for Further Posts!

Well, it is official.  Despite the work load these days, I am going to CES this year.  While I am always interested in checking out the latest in electronic gadgetry, there is no question this year’s CES is among the most interesting we have seen in years.  A number of new tablets, Internet connected TVs […]

Social Networking Going Strong Among the Very Young

A high percentage of US youth ages 8-24 uses social networking sites, according to YouthPulse 2010 [Harris Interactive] a new study from Harris Interactive. Youth Favor SocNets, Facebook Results from “YouthPulse 2010″ indicate three-quarters of 8-to-24-year-olds use a social networking site and about two-thirds (68%) spend time on a social networking site daily. Facebook is the most […]