Actionable Research and CES 2014
David Cristofaro from Actionable Research begins coverage of the relevant innovations for digital health and media creation and management at CES 2014.
Medical Devices Face Higher Bar for Adoption
Medical device companies and startups are finding it difficult to unseat incumbent products without more clinical value data.
Research Study Confirms Hospital Concerns Regarding Antibiotic Misuse
The Misuse of Antibiotics is Causing Measurable Issues in Hospitals There is more evidence available now regarding antibiotic misuse concerns. A recent research survey of 218 hospital staff discovered that nine out of 10 US infection control and laboratory personnel agree that the misuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a significant problem. Just as important, respondents also indicated quick […]
Research Predicts Global sleep apnea market to hit $19.72B in 5 years
While Untreated Masses are Available, Testing Remains the Rate Limiting Step
Windows 8 Consumer Preview: Mary Jo Has it Right, but There is Hope
Hopefully Microsoft Will Heed the Warnings Here. It is a Big Deal. Today MaryJo Foley, the analyst at ZDNet who covers Microsoft, had some thoughts about the Metro UI and what is right and wrong with it. I don’t know how long it took for her to write her post, but it very well thought out […]
Boston Scientific Lotus Transcatheter Aortic Valve Trial: Watch This One
This is Meaningful Innovation from BSCI, Will Lead to Other Big Things This was released today by, highly regarded, Boston Scientific, regarding their transcatheter aortic valve trial; one that is repositionable and fully retrievable. Watch this one, it is likely more widely applicable than this one application.
Skype Nokia and the True Story
Setting the Record Straight: Nokia CEO Stephen Elop about Skype and Nokia Somehow, decisions were made the spin comments made by Elop at Nokia that he was “blaming” the lack of success of the Lumia platform on MSFT’s ownership of Skype. This is fertilizer.In an interview with Elop recently, he clearly told the actual story […]
Android Drive By Malware Found on Hacked Sites – Here it Comes.
My Advice to You: Get a New Handset OS. Or Start Drinking Heavily. Recently, Emil with the Zero Day Team at ZDNet reported a new Trojan for Android, NotCompatible, was found posted on a hacked website. We knew this was coming, and are surprised it has taken this long to materialize. The link back to […]
Kaspersky: Apple 10 Years Behind MSFT on Security
Apple is Headed for Some Real Security Trials. While this shouldn’t shock anyone, maybe everyone will begin to believe that Apple is headed for harder times. While I think Apple will weather it, they will not come out unscathed, and it will give others a chance to catch up. Kaspersky has been an Apple partner for […]
Surprised? Google’s Tablet will be More Expensive and Later than Planned
Get Used to Hearing this. Google and Products Do Not Mix. Google can’t resist trying to get into the hardware fray. Most likely they have Apple Envy (like most everyone else) but it will serve only to distract them from making Android more consistent and a better OS for its users, from fighting a real […]