McAfee: Malware on Android on the Rise…We Knew it was Coming…

Several months ago I posted on the dangers of the diversified flavors of Android running on so many phones and how the experience that Microsoft has with malware will be a huge leg up for them as they see greater adoption of WP7 Mango. Alternatively, Google’s lack of focus on the OS (coupled with their […]


Several months ago I posted on the dangers of the diversified flavors of Android running on so many phones and how the experience that Microsoft has with malware will be a huge leg up for them as they see greater adoption of WP7 Mango. Alternatively, Google’s lack of focus on the OS (coupled with their diminishing commitment due to their lack of patent protection Here is McAfee affirming our fears:

They use the word “surging”; I think they haven’t seen anything yet:


Because of the rapid escalation, McAfee has dubbed this situation as a “Malware Zoo,” as McAfee researchers predict that the the grand total of total malware samples will reach at least 75 million by the end of 2011. The total currently stands at approximately 65 million.

Unfortunately for Google, they are caught in a big downdraft. While their purchase of Motorola Mobility’s patents is a good step in the right direction, it may be too little too late.

Things can change very quickly in the world of mobile OSes; PalmOS (and now WebOS) are going the way of the DoDo these days, something very few would have predicted. Maybe Google+ will be their saving grace. Please share what you think below.